Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So get this. This might actually blow your mind, because it did mine. This is Canoe. They are a musical band. They hail from Portland, Oregon. Some of you might know about them. They are wonderful. (This isn't the part that blows your mind).

See that dude on the left? Glasses? Red and white striped sweater? That is Matt Hoiland. And he is my friend. I've been listening to this band for some time now, and I never knew my buddy Matt was singing through my headphones, into my head, and into my heart. (This is where the mind-blowing occurs.)

My family will remember him more specifically as Elder Hoiland, one of the raddest missionaries to have served in Silver City. And he, with the help of his friend/compadre Hackett, helped mold me and shape me up for my own mission that awaited me. Years later, with new experience in our pockets, we have become separated. It was during this interval that I discovered new music (Canoe) and Matt discovered a family (that's his lovely wife in the red. I also found out he has a one-year-old daughter). And by fate we meet on Fbook, and here's why my Universe explodes. The band I've been listening to is none other than my dear friend Matt, accompanied by wife Sophie, brother Carl, and friend Cameron. How could I have not seen this?! They've even played in Provo! ( I must've been out of town).

So here's to one of my favorite bands! And to one of my favorite heroes of my adolescence! Canoe, you rock. For anyone interested to check out more, go here:


Spraz said...

Canoe plays a lot in Portland! Us Oregonians are proud of them. That's cool you knew him from back in the day.