Friday, December 21, 2007

Peas and Milk

This drawing I made mainly for my mother, who on many occasions caught me for this very act. She'd often put a tiny hourglass down on the table, and me along with my two older sisters were forced to finish our dinner before the timer ran out.

We moved the food around on the plate to give it the appearance it had been touched, possibly eaten. We found though that the milk worked as a cloaking device for smaller foods. For some reason we didn't have to finish drinking our glasses. We'd have to drink some though, and often, we didn't have enough milk to hide all the food.

Luckily, my mother never caught me shoving bitefuls of food wrapped in napkins into my socks.


Unknown said...

It's amazing that my kids haven't thought of it yet! But I have been eagerly waiting for the moment! I used to hide my green beans in my drink! Or I'd shove a bunch in my move shortly after loudly stating: "I have to pee!" Then I would run into the bathroom and spit it into the toilet and flush. I too, hid it in my napkins...only I would shove it in my pants!

Amazingly, my kids will actually try the food and like it. Mila will say to something that looks absolutely wretched to her, "I don't yike it momma." To which I reply, "Did you try it?" to which she states, "No." I retort, "Well how do you know if you haven't tried it?" She then picks up her fork and delicately stabs a modest piece and makes a cautious face as she slowly puts it into her mouth. 9/10 times, she smiles a surprised smile. I then say, "See, it's actually good, huh?" And she says pleasantly, "mmhmm, it's good!" I have learned through my own personal anguish that forcing them to eat something they don't like isn't worth the torture. So I will make a mental note to not serve them that for a while but I do try it again eventually.