I just had to post this one because I love it so much and the smaller image doesn't do it justice. This is my friend Hilary Frisby. Back in highschool we went to a Prom together and this was from the photo we took. Good job for looking so pissed off, Hil.
Friday, March 28, 2008
A Prom
Posted by Low Gain at 9:10 PM 5 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Baggy shoes and stuff
So I'm upset with myself for not putting up any art recently. So I just started drawing stuff, being inspired by those around me. Anyway, it felt good to put some art back on instead of photos. Not that I mind photos. But you know, this was meant for drawing. So that's what I'm doing. So shut up!
Thanks to a slip up with words, Julie was on my case for the rest of the night over this one. I wanted to say baggy pants, but was looking at my shoes at the time. Hence, this. But she actually does have a shirt that big. And a tendency to leave her hair where ever it decides to go. Like in peoples armpits and stuff.

Posted by Low Gain at 11:18 AM 1 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The night was grand, I kid you not.
Saturday night was an epic adventure into the world of rock. The amplifiers brought wave upon wave of euphoric rocking bliss, and everyone was there to celebrate all that is awesome and good. After playing enough games of "No Peekies", Julie, Brynne, Jess, and myself began our voyage to Velour to meet up with fellow appreciators of guitar-licking radicalness. Thank you so much to the Kid-You-Nauts, the Elizabethan Report, and to all others who played and made that evening a memory to keep in you bank of memories. The Human Curtain (pictured below) was stellar. I'm giving a mad shout out to the bands (thanks Quinston for the CD), Crazy dancin Jack, Julie (you're freaking awesome), and all those I met at Velour as well as the Hospital afterwards. Thanks for making my life a kaleidoscope of cool. The Jack Attack is out of wack
This is by far one of the sweetest photographs I've had the pleasure of taking. Thanks for being such a good visual subject, Julie.
Tony was one hard guy to keep in the camera lense. But I got some rad shots of him. Does anyone else think the bottom shot looks freakishly similar to Heath Ledger's "Joker"? To see many more pictures that were taken that night, just check out my photo album on my facebook.
Posted by Low Gain at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
I want to Ride my Bicycle
Monday was so beautiful, I promised myself I'd go for a bike ride when I got off work
Grabbing my Camelpack, an orange, and my camera, I headed due north towards Provo Canyon
Personally, I'd never put the words "Pink eye" and "Beans" together. Just me.
I saw a lot of neat things along the way. My favorite thing to do
was to pull my camera out at the last second and take a picture
of the people as I passed them.
Sometimes I think they liked it. Other times I just don't think
it mattered.ORANGE BREAK! And what's with the dude fishing with a Mickey Mouse hat on? Pure genius.
The entire adventure was a treat, and a good escape. Sadly, my tire met up with an unfortunate thorn, and my entire front tire was flat in about ten minutes. Bless you Erika for being there when I needed you. You saved my life! Yey for gorgeous days!
Posted by Low Gain at 8:09 PM 3 comments
The Match test
Posted by Low Gain at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Dungeons and Dragons
So all my friends who play Dungeons and Dragons naturally turned to me when they found out I could draw and they couldn't. I drew my first character when I was like 20 years-old, and that's this dude: Azrael, the freaking studly Paladin. Next thing you know I've got to draw everyone else's character. I didn't mind though, it was a big change from the more cartoony side I had done for so long, and it allowed my mind to start weaving up some pretty nifty outfits and such. This is Sven, the most barbaric of Barbarians, and he was Turley's character. I still hear him screaming out his name "SVEN!!" in wondrous rage.
Plus, I hadn't drawn too many life-like human images before, in all their many poses. So I've included some of those. This is Antius. I drew him for myself, basically to work on depth and positioning. I was very pleased with him. Good job, Antius. You're cool enough to survive the trashcan.
I always seemed to have a more difficult time drawing females. This crazy Sorceress lady is one who managed to live through my period of female fabricating. She's actually pretty awesome in my opinion, and I was really happy with the ribbons. Once again, I was really excited to work on something different, and this was something TOTALLY different for me.
Posted by Low Gain at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
An old friend reunited
I hadn't realized that not many people know that I've drawn for almost my entire life. I took some time one night after work and started snooping around for all my old stuff, and found a couple folders and sketchbooks. That's when I came across some of my childhood comics, a little something I started doing in Elementary School, called "Criss Crazy". I guess my parents didn't think there was anything particularly dangerous or wrong about them, even though the poor fellow seemed to end up in some terribly graphic death every time. I mean, honestly, sometimes I'd just shoot the innocent man in the head. But hey, I turned out alright! Right? Come on, who's with me?
I thought I'd start putting these on, to show just how I've changed. Plus, I mean, I've got like 90 of these cartoons. I must've had a very death-centralized imagination.
I also found lots of drawings of other things I did while in Highschool, and even some during my mission.
Posted by Low Gain at 9:19 PM 1 comments
The Hunter and the Dog
I think while there's humor found in this, the actual purpose at the time it was drawn was to help me cope with having felt one too many times like the Hunter's dog.
Posted by Low Gain at 2:48 PM 0 comments